
Our internal goal is to be the first and last call people struggling with addiction or mental health ever have to make.

Our family of companies is dedicated to the health and safety of you and your loved ones. We work collaboratively to determine the best form of treatment with our expert staff. There is only one focus at Horowitz Health—and that’s you. That means we take a highly personalized approach to care. We are here to listen, to learn and guide you, with
hands-on support every step of the way.

Because each individual is unique, we thoroughly assess each situation and create a solid plan with evidence-based solutions. We carry out each individual plan with compassion to bring your loved ones to a place of complete healing in recovery.

2014 DHA
2016 Elite Recovery
2017 Recovery Academy
2019 Gateway
2022 Recovery Homes of MN
2023 The Landing

We Offer a Wide Variety of Services

Clinical Interventions

An intervention gathers family and friends together to help your loved understand their addiction.

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Intensive Outpatient Addiction Treatment

Elite Recovery is an Intensive Outpatient (IOP) and Outpatient (OP) addiction treatment program based in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul.

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Sober Companion Services

A sober companion, also known as a sober living companion, is a clinician who provides one-on-one services 24 hours a day when an individual is unable to enter a treatment program.

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You can call us anytime at 888-775-HEAL

At Horowitz Health, it’s just different.

You see it in our people and our recovery programs and feel it in everything we do.

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